Diets that promote health can help prevent chronic diseases and extend longevity, and should focus on whole foods low in salt, sugar and industrially produced trans fats.
Plannells advises shunning fad diets for more nutritious options and cutting back on smoking to promote overall wellbeing and delay premature aging. Limiting alcohol and getting adequate rest are also key components to this effort.
1. Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables
Vitamin and mineral intake from fruits and vegetables is essential to overall good health. They support strong bones, eyes and skin as well as offer protection from heart disease and cancer while decreasing diabetes and high blood pressure risks.
Vegetables and fruits make for delicious additions to any meal or snack, from freshly-picked options to frozen or canned selections with reduced sodium.
Have you heard the old advice to consume “five servings a day”? Nowadays, however, the USDA advises filling half your plate with fruits and veggies instead. Not only do fruits and veggies add color, texture, flavor and nutrition; they are naturally low-cal.
2. Eat Lean Meat
Strive for 8-10 g of fiber daily by eating foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which will help lengthen telomeres and slow biological aging.
Avoid high-fat meats that increase cholesterol and triglycerides levels and put you at greater risk for heart disease. Instead, opt for lean meat such as chicken and fish as well as adding beans and eggs into your diet for optimal heart health.
As you approach 30 and begin your 30s, it is wise to reduce sugary drinks and packaged snacks to help prevent middle-age spread caused by poor dietary choices and decreased activity levels.
3. Eat Whole Grains
Your 20s and 30s require increased levels of vitamin A, found in dairy products, yellow-orange fruits, dark leafy vegetables and whole grains; while vitamin C helps boost immune health. Both nutrients can be found within food.
Consider switching from refined versions of bread, pasta and rice to whole grain versions for optimal nutrition and stable blood sugar levels. Consider trying something like teff which provides nearly 90 mg of calcium per 3/4 cup cooked. Incorporate these foods at every meal for maximum fiber intake and sustained blood sugar stability.
4. Eat Dairy Products
Dairy products provide essential calcium, protein and iodine. Furthermore, dairy contains liver-protecting choline as well as Vitamin D to maintain strong bones. Opting for lower fat options will help manage calories while keeping your heart healthy.
Consumers in their 30s often transition into new roles at work or home, start families and reduce physical activity levels – often resulting in muscle atrophy and altered insulin levels. Whey protein supplements may help counter these negative impacts.
Some dairy products contain prebiotics, which have been demonstrated to improve both gut health and cognitive function. Furthermore, protein can help senior consumers manage weight by providing satiety and curbing cravings.
5. Eat Healthy Fats
Age can be affected by many factors, including genetics and environment; however, eating healthily in your 20s and 30s is one way to age more gracefully. By following a balanced diet you can avoid weight gain, high blood pressure and other chronic diseases that typically arise later in life.
Eating a variety of foods is key to maintaining an adequate nutritional intake. Women in their 20s should aim for two servings of fruits and five serves of vegetables each day, in addition to whole grains, dairy products (if applicable), beans and nuts – as well as fortified calcium-rich foods or seafood that is fortified with calcium.
6. Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is essential to overall health. Adequate, quality rest can help slow the effects of aging by relieving stress and improving mood and memory, as well as improve cardiovascular health and increase muscle strength.
Sleeping at the same time each night and avoiding large meals before bedtime are two strategies to ensure you experience a restful 7-8 hour night of restful slumber.
Consuming foods high in fiber is another effective way to ensure adequate restful sleep. Fiber helps lengthen telomeres and slow biological aging, so try eating at least 2 ounces of whole grains each day such as whole wheat bread, brown rice or quinoa.
7. Exercise Regularly
Life during one’s 20s and 30s can be full of commitments such as career, family and other obligations; healthy eating often falls by the wayside as time slips away.
Lacking essential minerals such as calcium and folate can leave us vulnerable. To ensure adequate supplies of these important vitamins and minerals in your diet, incorporate foods rich in them such as green leafy vegetables and dairy products into your daily routine.
Regular physical activity is one of the best ways to combat aging. While you may never become a world-class athlete, even adding small bursts of physical activity into your daily life such as walking briskly or ballroom dancing can do wonders for keeping healthy and youthful.