Arthritis Early Signs

Arthritis Early Signs

If you suspect you have arthritis, there are early signs to look for. You may be feeling pain, stiffness, or swollen joints in your fingers, hands, or feet. Joints may also be swollen or red. Affected joints can cause you to limp. Inflammation also affects your range of motion. If these signs are present, you should see a doctor for a diagnosis. In some cases, treatment may be necessary.

A low-grade fever may be an early sign of RA, but any fever higher than 100degF may be an indication of an underlying illness or infection. Other early symptoms may include mild inflammation of the joints. This inflammation makes the joints appear bigger than normal and is accompanied by tenderness. These flare-ups may last anywhere from a couple of days to several weeks. Those with RA may also experience subsequent flare-ups in different joints.

Swelling is another early sign. Children with juvenile arthritis may complain of pain in their joints at various times. Sometimes the pain begins after they wake up or right after naps. In some children, it may also occur after physical activity. The pain may be constant or intermittent, affecting the hands, feet, and knees. Taking acetaminophen may not help. Pain in these joints may be associated with other illnesses, like fever or an infection.

Other early signs of RA include depression and fatigue. These symptoms may also precede the actual manifestation of joint pain. Symptoms such as depression or lack of appetite may be present long before you feel the effects of the disease. In addition to these common symptoms, a physical exam and a full medical history of the patient are necessary to determine whether there is a disease causing these signs. When in doubt, see your doctor to determine if the symptoms are due to rheumatoid arthritis.

Inflammation can also affect the cartilage in the joints. This elastic tissue covers the bones and joints and prevents the bones from wearing away. Without treatment, untreated rheumatoid arthritis can cause joint space to become smaller than it should be, resulting in unstable and painful joints. While these early symptoms may seem mild, they can be serious, and should not be ignored. The earlier you recognize these signs, the better you can make treatment decisions.

When you’ve noticed the symptoms, you should contact a doctor as soon as possible. In some cases, it’s difficult to diagnose arthritis, but seeing a doctor can help you to find the best treatment for your condition. Early detection is crucial to reducing your risk of complications, and minimizing the pain and discomfort you experience. You should also monitor your blood count, because it’s important to ensure you have enough red blood cells to heal.

Symptoms of inflammatory arthritis include joint pain and swelling, especially in the elbow. You might also experience decreased range of motion, as well as pain and stiffness. These early symptoms of arthritis may also include problems with your fingers and toes. The inflammatory arthritis can also cause your joints to become swollen and cause deformity. Some people may experience a combination of these symptoms. You should get a doctor’s diagnosis as soon as you notice any of these symptoms.