Can Angina Be Cured by Exercise?

Can Angina Be Cured by Exercise?

Angina occurs when blood flow to the heart decreases. It typically manifests itself through chest tightening or pressure; however, you could also feel discomfort elsewhere such as arms, neck, back or stomach.

Angina can be treated through medication and lifestyle modifications; for some individuals surgery or the placement of a stent may also be required.


Though it may seem counterintuitive, exercise can actually help relieve angina. Regular physical activity helps increase blood and oxygen flow to the heart, helping your body absorb more nutrients more effectively and use them efficiently. Exercise also has other health benefits including weight loss and reduction of high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Numerous studies support the clinical efficacy of exercise-based cardiovascular reconditioning therapy (CR) for CCS and angina patients, yet evidence for its clinical benefit remains limited and poorly designed randomised trials generally don’t report validated health-related quality of life measures and recruit participants that represent real world populations of angina patients.

Studies have demonstrated that an intensive 1-year high intensity training program improved exercise tolerance to an equal extent as atenolol in patients with CCS and angina pectoris. This suggests that both treatments could work to decrease angina episodes in these individuals.


Angina refers to chest discomfort experienced during exercise or stressful situations, typically as a result of narrowed coronary arteries preventing adequate amounts of oxygenated blood reaching the heart.

Stable angina is caused by cholesterol-clogged arterial walls known as plaque, which over time narrows and restricts arteries supplying heart muscle. Relief for stable angina is often found by taking rest or medication; unstable plaque poses more danger; its fatty contents could rupture and form blood clots that block off oxygen to heart cells – potentially leading to a heart attack.

Diet is one of the key components to combating or relieving angina. A diet rich in vegetables and fruits, whole grains, legumes and nuts is often recommended to maintain weight control, lower blood pressure and decrease cholesterol levels. Consult your physician before making major dietary changes.

Stress management

Stress causes your body to release hormones like adrenaline that accelerate your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing – the so-called fight or flight response. Stressful situations have both direct and indirect consequences on our health; symptoms like backache or headaches may manifest themselves directly while contributing to smoking or overeating habits that increase risk for cardiovascular disease indirectly.

Stable angina may improve with lifestyle modifications such as quitting smoking, eating heart-healthy diet and weight loss if necessary, taking medication such as nitroglycerin to relax arteries and veins and taking medications such as nitroglycerin to relax them further. In severe cases you may require surgery such as angioplasty or coronary artery bypass grafting depending on severity and risk factors involved.

Stress management is always important, but especially so for people living with angina. One effective method for doing so is biofeedback which enables users to monitor and understand how their body reacts to stressors – then learn to regulate them effectively.


As well as exercise, medications can also aid in managing angina. Beta blockers like atenolol and metoprolol may reduce blood pressure and heart rate to help lower oxygen demand; angina may also benefit from taking nitroglycerin to open narrowed arteries – however this medication can cause side effects such as dizziness, tiredness, flushed face or foot edema.

Angina is caused by reduced blood flow to the heart due to coronary artery disease. When this happens, fatty plaque builds up in arteries supplying blood to your heart and narrows or hardens (atherosclerosis), leaving less oxygen available for your heart’s needs resulting in chest pain and reduced function.

Stable angina is a fairly common condition that can be managed with lifestyle modifications, diet changes and medication. Speak with your physician about managing your symptoms effectively. In case your angina worsens or a heart attack occurs, call 911 immediately.

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