The Relationship Between Mental Health and Physical Health

The Relationship Between Mental Health and Physical Health

Mental and physical wellbeing are intertwined; to stay healthy and achieve your best state, pay equal attention to both areas.

Stress can lead to various physical issues. It can disrupt sleep patterns, cause unhealthy behavior patterns, and compromise immunity among many other issues.


Stress is an inevitable part of life, but too much can become harmful. Your body responds to stressful events by secreting chemicals and hormones through your bloodstream.

Your heart rate elevates, muscles tighten and your mind becomes focused on the issue at hand – all because hormones kick in to either help you run away from or confront it head on.

Chronic stress, however, can cause changes that affect virtually every system in the body – immune, digestive, reproductive systems as well as heart, lung and brain function can all be negatively affected. Furthermore, stress increases your risk for mental disorders such as anxiety and depression.

If you are suffering from chronic stress and feeling overwhelmed, seek advice from your GP or mental health professional about ways to effectively manage stress and limit its negative impacts on your health. They will offer ways of alleviating it.


Anxiety disorders are a serious mental health condition that can have lasting physical ramifications on your respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, and immune systems.

Stressful lifestyles have also been linked with physical ailments like heart disease, thyroid issues, high blood pressure and asthma; as well as leading to IBS symptoms or stomachaches.

If you suffer from anxiety, seeking professional assistance is key. Treatment options available to you could include counseling, medication and alternative therapies.


Mental and physical wellbeing are inextricably intertwined; good mental state can help keep you healthy and avoid serious medical conditions such as cancer or heart disease, while poor mental health can wreak havoc on both, even leading to harmful behaviors like smoking or drinking too much alcohol.

Depression is a widespread mental illness that is treatable, yet can have severe repercussions in both your personal life and relationships. Treatment options may include talking therapies, medication and lifestyle modifications.

Psychotherapy (commonly referred to as “talk therapy”) is one of the most effective approaches for treating depression. Psychotherapy provides insight into why someone may be feeling depressed while providing strategies on how to cope with symptoms more effectively. Psychotherapy sessions may take place alone or within group settings.


Physical wellbeing is an integral component of a fulfilling and enjoyable lifestyle, including an active lifestyle, balanced nutrition and strong physical fitness.

Physical conditions can also have an effect on an individual’s mental wellbeing; an obese individual, for instance, could experience depression and low self-esteem due to being overweight.

Obesity increases your risk for certain cancers. Studies have linked obesity with an increased risk of cancers that impact various organs, including: Uterine cancer; Cervix cancer; Endometrium cancer; Ovary cancer; Breast cancer; Colon and Rectum cancers as well as Esophageal, Gallbladder, Pancreas and Kidney cancers.

Obesity can also contribute to sleep apnea and osteoarthritis, while its weight on your abdomen may weaken its bladder valve and allow urine leakage when coughing, sneezing or laughing.


Sleep is essential to maintaining physical health, yet few understand its significance in maintaining mental wellness as well. While sleeping, your brain’s glymphatic (waste clearance) system clears away waste produced during the day to allow your brain to function normally and function effectively.

While sleeping, our brain enters various stages of restorative rest: NREM and REM sleep. NREM involves slow brain activity while REM increases it; both stages contribute to dreaming.

Studies show that lack of sleep can aggravate symptoms associated with mental health conditions like depression, ADHD and anxiety. Though not definitively associated with these illnesses, poor sleeping can certainly contribute to them.

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